Saturday, January 10, 2009

Almond Bark pretzels

My mom makes these EVERY year for Christmas but I got so addicted to them that I now find myself making more and more batches of them way beyond Christmas. The greatest part is that they are SOOOO easy to make!!! So I thought I would share the recipe with you and laugh as you get addicted to them too. ;)

Ingredients: 1 package of vanilla flavored almond bark (photo below) & one 16 oz. bag of stick pretzels

  • melt almond bark according to directions on back of package (be careful not to over cook it)
  • stir in entire bag of pretzels making sure to get them all evenly coated
  • drop by large spoonfuls onto wax paper (do this fairly quickly because the almond bark
    sets up fairly quickly)
  • they will be set up and ready to eat in about 15-20 minutes or so..... ENJOY!!! :)

1 comment:

Shannon said...

Those sound great, I have never had them before. :)