Monday, January 5, 2009

Finally some good to report.........

Well, Tyler has officially started to read and write! He can sound out and spell almost any fairly simple word I give him and he can read most 4-5 letter words without much trouble. And what makes it even cooler is that they don't actually start teaching them that until around the beginning of first grade! Which means that Tyler is about a year to a year and a half ahead of where most children his age are!! My kiddo is going to blow those teachers away when he goes in for his Kindergarten screening!!! :) :)

And then when I came home from visting my parents, my babysitters had a HUGE surprise for me...... they CLEANED my house!!! And I mean C L E A N E D!!! They scrubbed toilets, washed dishes, did my laundry, the whole 10 yards! They even went so far as to organize and sort through the kid's rooms to see what clothes they've outgrown and then they sorted out their toys and even put all our clothes away all nice and folded in our drawers!! I was amazed. They said that it took them almost 5 days to do it all. Yup, my house really was THAT messy! It was just so nice to come home to that. And now that it's all done, it'll be SOOOO much easier to keep it that way!! Wow.... what a blessing!

1 comment:

Shannon said...

WOW!! That is SOO great Danielle. I always knew Tyler was a genius! ;) And wow that is so nice of your baby sitters to clean your house. What a blessing!!