Monday, January 26, 2009

Baby Tag

1- Where were you when you first found out you were pregnant? In the bathroom at my parent's house
2- Who was with you? no one
3- How did you find out that you were pregnant? A Home pregnancy test.
4- What was your first reaction to finding out you were pregnant? scared to death
5- Your Husbands reaction? no husband... but he was shocked
6- Who was the first person you told? Nikki
7-Did you plan to get pregnant? absolutely not
8-Was everybody happy for you? eh..... eventually
9- Did you go out and celebrate? wasn't exactly a moment to "celebrate"
10- Did you want to find out the sex? absolutely
11- What was the sex? beautiful baby boy
12-Did anyone throw you a baby shower? Yes.
13- If yes, who? My friend, Nikki.
14- Did you get any outfits at the baby shower that you just knew you weren't going to put on your baby? lol - yes
15- How much weight did you gain? 36 pounds
16- Did you loose all of the weight that you gained? all but about 3-5 pounds
17- Did you get a lot of stretch marks? nope :D
18- What did you crave the most? CELERY!!!
19- Did you crave anything crazy? nope
20- Who or what got on your nerves the most? nobody.... I had an amazing pregnancy. No crazy hormones or anything
21- Were you married at the time? nope
22- Did you have any complications during your pregnancy? not during pregnancy. During labor the nurse forgot to turn Tyler (he was facing the wrong way) and they almost had to do a C-section
23- Where were you when you went into labor? at my mom's.... I didn't think I was really in labor. My mom had to talk me into going into the hospital.
26- Did you go early or late? yup.... 17 days early
27- Who was in the room with you when you gave birth? my mom, Nikki, Steven, the doctor, and a few nurses
28- Was it video taped? NO WAY!
29- Did you have any drugs for the pain? You bet!!! Epidurals are AMAZING!
30-Did you go Natural or have a c-section? Natural
31- What was your first reaction after giving birth? lol - Tyler's head was alien shaped due to the vacuum extraction they had to use and I looked at Steven and said, "Please tell me that's not my baby." He was UGLY!!! His head went back to normal within an hour though. :)
32- How big was the baby(s)? 7 pounds 4 oz.... I think
33- Did your Husband cry? no
34- What did you name the baby(s)? Tyler Christopher Rule
35-Did the name have any significance to you? absolutely. Christopher is my cousin's (and also one of my best friends) name
36-Does the baby's name fit? oh yes
37- Did the baby(s) have any complications? nope.... perfectly healthy :)
38- How old is your baby today? no longer a baby.... 5 years and almost 2 months
39- When is the next one coming? feels like never
40- If you could would you do it all over again? absolutely.... I LOVE being pregnant!

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