Tuesday, December 16, 2008

My purse came in!!!!

About a month ago I attended an FRG (family readiness group) meeting and a lady there had a purse that had been made out of her brother's uniform... how cool!! She gave me the website where she ordered it so I went to check it out. It was only like $38 to have the purse made which is NOT bad! The best part is that it's made right from Joe's uniform so I can always feel like I'm carrying him a part of him with me. :) AND the purse wasn't suppose to be completed and shipped to me until late next week sometime and I got it in the mail TODAY!!! I about cried when I got it. :) All I had to do was put Joe's rank patch, U.S. Army patch, and the American Flag patch on it and it's good to go!!! I was so excited I had to take a picture of it to share with everyone. :) :) :)


Lee Ann said...

That is a really neat idea. Thanks for sharing the pictures.

Shannon said...

That is so awesome!!