Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Photo Tag

So Lee did this first, and I'm still trying to figure out the ins and outs of this, so I guess you're suppose to open the 6th folder in your pics and upload the 6th picture in that folder and then tag 6 people. I only have 2 people on here and Lee already tagged me, so I guess Shannon's it!! :)

I just think it's funny that my 6th picture in the 6th album happened to be a picture of the 3 of us. :)


Shannon said...

Oh my god, could I look any more terrible!? Do I look miserable or what? :P

Danielle said...

You do NOT look terrible or miserable... you just look VERY pregnant! (which you WERE) And you were an adorable pregnant lady if I do say so myself. :)

Lee Ann said...

I would come there but it is such a longer drive. AND we don't have the money to spend on that much gas or plain tickets. Maybe someday when Michael gets a real job. :)