Monday, November 17, 2008

14 months

It's amazing how little insignificant milestones suddenly become an occasion for tears. Today is 14 months for Joe and I.... nothing major... not even a year and a half, but it just made me realize that he's not even here. We wouldn't even do anything special if he were here, but I would at least get a kiss. I miss his kisses. :'( It's really funny how you even start to miss the things that you hated. I would do anything to have him home. I'm so worried about him going over to Afghanistan. They have already lost 3 Illinois National Guard soldiers over there. Tyler and I pray for him every single night but I can't help but worry.

And THEN there's the issue of keeping on top of my house! UG!! I'm sorry, but I work basically 6:30-4:30 Monday through Friday and when I get home, the VERY last thing I want to do is clean! In my mind, there is one of two options... clean, or spend time with my kids. And I've tried so hard to motivate myself to get stuff done on the weekends, but then I feel that the weekends are my time to be lazy. I mean, I feel like I moved a mountain if I am able to do my dishes 2-3 times a week!! Let alone keep the ENTIRE house picked up and orderly! What do I want for Christmas? A maid... for FREE!!!!! But I don't even know if I could get a maid... she'd walk in the door, look around, and say, "I QUIT!!!" I just wish my mom lived closer, she would be over in 10 minutes to help. I guess I just hate not having friends or family here.

But anyway.... I'm done complaining. I guess I better get off of here and maybe try to make a trail through the jungle I call my bedroom.

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