Saturday, November 22, 2008

My prayer for our soldiers...

As the first of December gets closer I find myself becoming more and more worried with each passing day. I will admit that the "what if" of losing Joe has definately crossed my mind a few times. The Illinois National Guard alone has already lost 3 soldiers in the last 6 months... that's not a number that I'm very happy with. I've definately cried myself to sleep a few times over this, but I try to remind myself that worrying won't do Joe or I any good. So every day I say a prayer for our soldiers.....

Lord, give them the strength to do what needs to be done. Give them the wisdom to know what to do in tough situations. Give them the energy & mental awareness that they need even though they've been going for three days straight. Grant them peace even though they are half a world away from all their loved ones. Help keep their minds clear so that they can get the job done and come home safely. And most of all, let them know how much we love them and can't wait for fall 2009 when we can welcome them ALL home. **Amen**

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