Sunday, January 18, 2009

Never thought I'd say this, but I HATE 5 day weekends in winter!!

Well, we were suppose to have a 3 day weekend (Monday being Martin Luther King Day) but then with the nasty wind chill, they canceled school Thursday and Friday. I have to tell you... I have never been so bored in my life!! Thursday Tyler and Jillian were sick, Friday Jillian was sick, and yesterday I was sick. I just want to go back to work! If it were the middle of summer, at least we could get out and do stuff! But no, it's the middle of January, it's FREEZING outside, so I'm suck inside with a 3 & 5 year old with NOTHING to do for FIVE WHOLE DAYS!!! Tomorrow is Monday.... my last day off. I honestly wish I could go back to work! I am so bored. I have cleaned, re-arranged, taken multiple showers just for something to do, read books, watched TV, baked..... I am bored stiff!!! I wish my family or friends lived closer. A 5 day weekend back in Missouri or up in Wyoming wouldn't be so bad... I have people I know that I could go do stuff with. But no.... I'm stuck here about to pull my hair out just wishing Joe were here to share my boredom with.

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