Sunday, March 22, 2009


Well, as most of you know, Joe has his 2 weeks of leave set, but he's not telling me!!! It's just not fair! All he is telling me is that it's in April, he won't be home for Easter, and that's about it. He even went to the extent to call my BOSS to ask off of work for me!! On one hand, it's all very sweet and romantic..... on the other hand, it's a royal pain in the butt! I just told him that since I have absolutely no idea when he'll be home, if he walks in the door and the house is a wreck, and I haven't showered, he will only have himself to blame. :) He agreed and said that was fair... I guess it will have to be! I even tried to pry the information out of his sister... it didn't work. Pretty much everyone in his family knows (and he has a VERY big family). Some of my friends have said that maybe he has something "big" up his sleeve..... I wish. I would pass out on the floor if he walked through my door and dropped to one knee. The thing is, I know that won't happen. Joe is FAR (and I mean F-A-R) from ready to make it legal. I guess I'll just have to be patient and do my best not to get my hopes set on some big, romantic hoop-la. He'll come home when I least expect it, and he may not propose, but he'll be out of harm's way for almost 3 weeks (once you consider all the travel time) and that's definately something I can live with. :)

1 comment:

Shannon said...

Oh my gosh!!! How exciting!!!! I can't wait to hear all about his homecoming!